New research:

Wow! Markify is ranked number 1 in a study of trademark search services. In the report by ipPerformance you can read: "On average, most of the vendors had very similar results with the exception of Markify, where the results were significantly superior."

Tool Average find
CT Corsearch 34.6%
CSC 31.8%
Markify 99.7%
Trademarkia 32.5%
Thomson CompuMark 45.5%
USPTO 34.2%

"Overall, we found that Markify provides the most impressive find rate. This result was significantly better (99.7%) than the other tools in the test."

You can download the full report at ipPerformance Group or directly right here.

This is of course a huge recognition of our work with the core similarity technology. Today we are proud and happy!
